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may 28, 2024 - Aprilia Racing

Home race for Aprilia Racing in Mugello


With the weekend in Barcelona barely over, Aprilia Racing will be back on the track for their home race at the Mugello Circuit, the seventh GP round of the season. On track will be Aleix Espargaró, fresh from winning the most recent sprint race, Maverick Viñales, and Lorenzo Savadori in a wild card spot. 

Aleix Espargaró will be seeking to replicate his outstanding performance in Montmeló to continue his quest for the top spots. For Maverick Viñales, on the other hand, it will be a chance for redemption after his complicated Barcelona weekend. Lorenzo Savadori will also be on hand for his second wild card of the season after the one in Jerez, continuing his work on the RS-GP24. 

The Italian GP is the festival par excellence for Italian fans, as well as Aprilia Racing’s home race. It is one of the most spectacular tracks on the World Championship calendar with its 5245 meters of fantastic turns which have made this track one of a kind in the world. 

"I had said at the beginning of the season that these two weekends were extremely important for me. Barcelona and Mugello are two of the best Grand Prix rounds of the season, at home for me and at home for Aprilia. I’m hoping to find that same good feeling I had with the bike in Barcelona and to battle for the podium in Mugello. I can’t wait."

"Mugello has been a demanding track in recent years for me and I have never managed to find the right feeling. I’m rather curious to see how I’ll do with the new bike. I’m certain that we’ll be able to do a good job because this is Aprilia’s home GP. I’m highly motivated and we’ll be giving it one hundred percent.”

"This weekend, we’ll continue testing several solutions we are developing. I can’t wait to race in Mugello in front of our fans. It is one of the nicest tracks of the championship and, as always, I’ll be giving it my all."