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april 27, 2024 - Aprilia Racing

Unlucky day for Aprilia in Jerez


It was not a Saturday to remember in the Aprilia camp, partly due to the morning rainfall. In the Sprint Race, the track was in less than optimum condition, with sections that were still damp and dangerously treacherous.

The wet track during Q2 kept Maverick Viñales from expressing his true potential, forcing him to settle for the eleventh spot on the grid. During the Sprint Race, the Spanish rider hit a wet spot that caused his crash on turn five as he was lying third, just three laps from the end.

It was also a bitter Sprint Race for Aleix Espargaró who, despite an outstanding start from the twelfth spot on the grid, crashed during the first lap on turn eight. He was also a victim of track conditions.

Lorenzo Savadori crashed on the sixth lap, but still managed to get back in the race to finish sixteenth.

There were some wet areas on the track but they weren’t visible, especially on turn five. The crashes were strange. For example, Aleix had a bad fall on turn eight because that area was wet. My pace was practically identical to the riders ahead of me, so my goal for tomorrow is to give it my all and to keep looking forward. Some days you win and other days you learn. Today we learned.

It was a complicated day and our expectations were higher. We were not competitive with the morning rainfall but then in the Sprint Race, I had an outstanding start, recovering four positions. Unfortunately, I went over a wet area and had a bad crash. Fortunately I am fine physically. Tomorrow we’ll try again.

It was an unlucky race with the crash. It’s a pity about Aleix and Maverick too. The track conditions were undoubtedly extremely demanding. In any case, we’re working on several new solutions with the goal of taking Aprilia to the top.