Cookie Consent by Free Privacy Policy website PIAGGIO GROUP: 2017 DRAFT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS
february 28, 2018 - Piaggio Group


Consolidated net sales 1,342.4 million euro, up 2.2% (+2.6% at constant exchange rates)
(1,313.1 €/mln in 2016)

Ebitda 192.3 million euro, up 12.6% (170.7 €/mln in 2016)
Ebitda margin 14.3% (13% in 2016)

Industrial gross margin 411.3 million euro, up 5.7% (389.2 €/mln in 2016)
30.6% return on net sales (29.6% in 2016)

Ebit 72.3 million euro, up 18.8% (60.9 €/mln in 2016)
Ebit margin 5.4% (4.6% in 2016)

Profit before tax 40.1 million euro, up 57.1%
(25.5 €/mln in 2016)

Net profit 20 million euro, up 42.3% (14 €/mln in 2016)

Cash flows of 44.3 million euro (7.2 million euro in 2016)

Net financial position -446.7 million euro, an improvement of 44.3 €/mln from -491 €/mln at 31 December 2016 

552,800 vehicles shipped worldwide (532,000 in 2016)

Proposed dividend of 0.055 euro per share (equivalent to 19,698,450 euro)



Two-wheelers: the Piaggio Group confirms its leadership of the European market with an overall share of 15.1%, rising to 24.2% in scooters. Increase in worldwide sales for the Vespa (+10.2%), in the high-wheel segment (+7.7%), strong improvement in two-wheelers in India, +71.1%

Commercial vehicles: confirmation of leadership in cargo segment in India with a market share of 48.8%

Piaggio Fast Forward: development of Gita and Kilo continues and the Advisory Board is strengthened with the entry of Daniela Rus, one of the world’s leading researchers in robotics and AI

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